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Personal-Sized Pita Pizzas with Frosted Brownies
by Jes Mostek
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Frosted Brownies
by Jes Mostek
serves: 20
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  Rich, Delicious Chocolate Brownies that are easy to make but sure don't taste that way!
  1 (20 oz.) box   brownie mix
    eggs, milk & oil, as directed on brownie mix package
  1 (14 oz.) can   sweetened condensed milk
  1 (12 oz.) bag   semi-sweet chocolate chips
  Prepare the brownies as directed on package.

While the brownies are baking, combine the sweetened condensed milk with the chocolate chips in a medium-sized, heavy-bottomed sauce pan over low heat, stirring constantly. When the chocolate chips begin to melt, turn the heat off and stir to combine until the chocolate is completely melted.

If you need to return the pan to the heat for a minute or so to finish melting the chips do that, but be sure to stir contantly when the pan is over the heat and remove the pan from the heawt as soon as the melting starts again and stir until all the chips are melted.

When the brownies are done, remove them from the oven and cool for a minute or so. Then pour the frosting over the brownies while the brownies are still warm.

Allow to cool completely on a wire rack on the counter (or on the cooled range top). Then score and cut into 20 (4 x 5) even pieces.
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Personal-Sized Pita Pizzas
by Jes Mostek
serves: 6
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  Note on the serving size: This recipe makes 6 personal pizzas, but an adult may need 1 1/2 or 2 personal pizzas to get full.

This recipe makes pepperoni pizzas, but use your imagination (and your kids' ideas) to built your own pizzas with your favorite pizza toppings.
  1 (6 ct) pkg   Greek pitas (not pocket pitas)
  3/4 c.   pizza sauce (or thick spaghetti sauce)
  1   green pepper
  1/2 (8 oz.) pkg.   mushrooms
  1/2 (6 oz.) pkg.   turkey pepperoni
  Preheat oven to 400�F

Line 2 cookie sheets with aluminum foil and spray (or brush) with a light coating of cooking oil.

Thoroughly rinse and scrub your vegetables. Dice the green pepper and mushrooms (if you're using those). I recommend using a small cereal bowl or chafing dish for each pizza topping ingredient so assembly is easy.

Any meats that you want to use should be cooked through before you put it on your pizza (pepperoni is already cooked when you buy it).

To assemble the pizzas, lay 3 pitas on each prepared cookie sheet. Then spread each pita with 2 T. pizza sauce, cover with your choice of pizza toppings and top with 1/4 c. cheese. Repeat for remaining pizzas.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bubbly. Enjoy!

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