
BBQ & Beer pork chops
by Diana Stark
serves: 6
  Cook in oven or on stove top. Simmer 2-6 hours. use bone-in pork chop. serve with white rice.
  1 1   see directions.
6 pork chops
2 tablespoons steak seasoning
1 (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle beer 1 (18 ounce) bottle barbeque sauce
2 onions, sliced

1. Sprinkle pork chops with steak seasoning. Brown both sides in skillet. After the pork chops have been browned, remove them from the pan.
2. Pour into skillet one can of beer. Stir around the beer until all the particles on the sides have been incorporated. Pour in barbecue sauce and place the pork chops back into the pan. Add onions and cover. Simmer on low for 1 to 2 hours.